My System
by Aron Nimzowitsch
Translated by Robert Sherwood
ISBN: 978-1-927179-34-5
US $13.99
This classic of positional play has been newly translated by Bob Sherwood to better represent the full human experience and the revolutionary thinking found in Nimzowitsch's original German text. Material censored or otherwise omitted from the original version has been restored and carefully rendered to reveal Nimzowitsch's deep-level response to the self-satisfied and narrow chess orthodoxy of his day. My System offers positional insights and guidelines that have stimulated serious chess players ever since it first appeared in the 1920's.
Vassily Ivanchuk
100 Selected Games
by Nikolay Kalinichenko
New In Chess
ISBN: 978-1-927179-29-1
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'Chuky, you're a genius.' Leading grandmasters have been heard to whisper these words, impressed with yet another brilliancy from the Ukrainian wizard. Vassily Ivanchuk has finished first in all the major tournaments in the world, at times with astonishing supremacy and always with deeply creative chess.
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Strategic Ideas & Powerful Weapons
by Viktor Moskalenko
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ISBN: 978-1-927179-30-7
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The Pirc Defence and the Modern Defence are two naturally entwined chess openings that are both flexible and rich in strategic and tactical ideas. They feature in the repertoires of great players like Kramnik, Grischuk and Ivanchuk, and are equally popular at club level.
Endgame Tactics
A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames
by Van Perlo
New In Chess
ISBN: 978-1-927179-25-3
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Here is help for those who are tired of studying endgames that never come up in real life! Why is it that most amateur chess players love opening and middlegame tactics but hate endgames and why do they usually look at only a couple of pages in any chess endgame theory book they own? Enjoying the entertainment of endgame tactics, and (at least for the moment) forgetting about theoretical positions that seem distant from everyday practice, is the first step towards mastering this important part of the game.
Tragicomedy in the Endgame
Instructive Mistakes of the Masters
by Mark Dvoretsky
ISBN: 978-1-927179-24-6
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The key concepts of chess endings.
When it was released in 2003, Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual became an instant classic. Now the chess instructor extraordinaire offers an introduction to the fascinating world of chess endings. This book is designed to highlight the key concepts of the most common chess endgames and will prove quite instructive to chessplayers of all levels.